Posted on 8/24/2012

Fact: Underage drinking is a problem in the United States. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a recent survey found that an estimated 10 million people under the age of 21 had consumed alcohol within the previous 30 days. SAMHSA also reported that 10 percent of high school students who drank chose to drive afterward, and 28 percent got in a car and rode with an intoxicated driver. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the U.S., and alcohol is one of the main reasons why. When combined with inexperience behind the wheel and the distractions of passengers, music and cell phones, alcohol can be the deadly component that sends a teen driver to the emergency room. Or, worse yet, the cemetery. It’s not a fun subject to address, that’s for sure, but it certainly deserves our attention. And the best place to start the discussion is in the home. Parents know that open communication ... read more
Posted on 8/10/2012

As school gets closer, we at Meyer’s and Waterloo Automotive have been using our blog to talk about teen driving safety. Soon they’ll be hopping into the driver’s seat to make their way to and from school, practice, work and, let’s face it, social activities. (Sometimes we parents like to forget that one.) Because auto accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers in the U.S., however, we want to make sure they are as prepared to hit the road as possible and have the best chance of making it safely to their destinations. This week it’s all about seat belts, and, of course, we’re starting with stats. Not surprisingly, as an age group, teenagers are the least likely to wear seat belts both while driving and riding in a vehicle. The biggest offenders are teenage males who choose against seat belts 4% more often than females. According to, some of the common reasons teens choose not to buckle up are because they aren’t c ... read more
Posted on 8/3/2012

According to the AAA Foundation, 94% of Americans consider texting while driving to be unacceptable behavior. Why then do more than 1/3 of us admit to engaging in it? Statistics show that any sort of cell phone use quadruples a driver’s risk of crashing–a number that skyrockets when it comes to teenagers. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers in the United States. Why? Because of a combination of factors that include inexperience, alcohol and—you guessed it—distractions. While the aforementioned habit of texting is just one of the many culprits, it’s where we’ll start. Texting while driving is a problem among every age group, but it is particularly heightened among younger drivers due to their culture. Statistics released in March of this year showed that today’s teenagers send and receive an average of 60 texts per day. And because teens reportedly expect text messages to be answere ... read more