Posted on 10/29/2013

The seat belt is one of the most effective traffic devices that can prevent death and injury in an accident. It has been proven that wearing seat belts reduces the amount of getting injured by 50%. The increased rate of those properly wearing seat belts has been largely initiated by the “Click it or Ticket” campaign. This campaign has greatly aided in reducing the number of injuries and deaths in road accident since being put into place. Ways in which seat belts save lives Keeps the occupant inside the vehicle. In the case of an accident, a person who is well fasten with a seat belt is unlikely to be thrown outside the vehicle. Research has shown that people thrown outside are four times likely to be killed as compared to those who remain fastened inside a vehicle during an accident. Restrains the bodies strongest parts. The seat beat aids in restraining the strongest parts of the body that are more prone to injury ... read more
Posted on 10/25/2013

Teenage drinking is a risk that attracts many adolescents and teens. When young people indulge in teenage drinking, they often don’t realize the damaging effects drinking can cause in their lives, families as well as the community. Preventing teenage drinking and driving Car crashes that are alcohol related are the number one killer of most teens, especially during the months of prom and graduation when teenage drinking is higher. Peer pressure has always been another huge issue to deal with. Here you will find parenting strategies to help lower the risky behaviors of teenagers. Setting clear rules against drinking:Studies show that teens with parents who establish clear behavior expectations, monitors the coming and going of their teens and are not afraid to say no are less likely to engage in risky behaviors such as teenage drinking and driving. Feel free to be strict without feeling guilty and stress on one rule – “Never drink and drive ... read more
Posted on 10/11/2013

The teenage years are an age when most children seek more independence and freedom. This is the age that teens will want to explore and do many things without thinking about the possible consequences. At this age they usually get carried away with many activities such as friends, school and other activities that disconnect them from their parents. However, as a parent, this is the best time to strengthen your relationship with your teen so that you can always be in touch with what they become involved in. By having good communication with your child, the teenager gets to learn how to think for themselves and also make informed choices that will keep them away from danger. Keeping Your Teen Safe at Homecoming One good example is homecoming. Going to homecoming functions such as the dance is an exciting experience for many high school students but also an anxious moment for most parents who are left at home worrying about the safety of their teen. Wha ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2013

In most cases, a new teen driver is extremely excited about their new found freedom of the open road. This excitement mixed with a lack of real world driving experience can be quite dangerous. While the average teenager is going to feel that they know everything about being a good driver, the simple fact is teens account for more driving related accidents than any other age group. This doesn’t mean you should be banned from driving. It just means you need to really focus on learning how to be a safe and responsible driver while you are gaining the experience of being behind the wheel of a car. The following are some of the best teen driving safety tips to help along your journey. Safety tips for teen driversTurning Off the Cell Phone Research studies have concluded that using a cell phone is equal to the effects of driving under the influence. This also includes the use of hands-free mobile phones. Cell phones have become a ... read more