Posted on 1/16/2014

During the winter, it is especially important to take care of your vehicle’s exterior. Many people often think, “Why bother? My car is only going to get dirty from the snow and sludge?” However, it is for this very reason that you should not neglect caring for your car’s exterior. Unsure what the best winter car care routine is? At Waterloo Automotive, we are dedicated to helping you keep your vehicle in mint condition. Because of this, we have some helpful guidelines below. Guidelines for Winter Car Care: 1. Wiper Blades When it comes to caring for your car, it is important to start with the basics. In this instance, that means properly looking after your windshield wipers. When there is snow, rain, and ice coming down outside, it is crucial to your safety on the roads that your wipers are properly working. Without well-functioning wipers, your vision can become compromised, making for dangerous driving conditions. The solution? When your car is parked ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2013

When it comes to teenagers, it may seem like they’re nocturnal—always wanting to stay up later and sleep well into the morning (or afternoon). It’s just part of being a kid, and we’ve all been there at some point. But when it comes to teens, a late bedtime can become a problem when school is in session. Whether they go to bed at 10:00 p.m. or 1:00 a.m., the alarm will still go off at 6:00, and it will be up to them to suffer the consequences. Falling Asleep While Driving Unfortunately, part of those consequences can and do involve auto accidents. Already the No. 1 cause of death among teenagers in America, drowsiness only adds fuel to an already burning fire as teenagers stumble out of bed, get behind the wheel and take a dangerous drive with half-open eyes. According to research from Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), teens who average less than eight hours of sleep a night are twice as lik ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2013

We all like to pretend that a winter driving accident will never happen to us but the truth is these accidents happen every winter to countless people. Rather than doing nothing and hoping for the best, be prepared for the chance that something could happen out on the road. Below you will find a checklist of things you need to prepare for before the bad weather hits. Winter Car Care Checklist Battery & Charging System – Make sure to get your car battery and portable charging system tested by a qualified technician. Have the battery terminals and cables checked to ensure that they are free from any corrosion and that the connection is tight. You want to make sure that your battery is fully charged and ready for the winter months. Car Belts & Hoses – Inspect the drive belts for any signs of cracking or fraying. You also want to have the cooling system inspected to make sure that you don’t have any cracked hoses or loose clamps. Wi ... read more
Posted on 12/5/2013

For parents, thinking about their teen driving during bad weather conditions can be a scary thought. There’s good reason for this and It is something best avoided. However, should you happen to find yourself driving through a storm or heavy snowfall, these teen driving tips will help you out. Bad Weather Driving Tips for TeensDriving in Heavy Rain Here is a good rule to follow. If you need your windshield wipers on in order to see then that means you also need to turn your headlights on. This goes for driving in rain, fog, sleet, or snow. Not only will it help your visibility but it will also help other drivers see you. It’s a good idea to increase the amount of space between you and other drivers when driving on slick roads. You should double or even triple the normal amount of space between you and the car in front of you. If the weather is making it too difficult to see then you should find a place to pu ... read more
Posted on 11/27/2013

Teenage alcoholism is a worldwide problem with over 60% of young people being reported as alcoholics. This is especially rampant among young people between the ages of 14 and 25. Just like any other drug, alcohol can cause serious problems ranging from social, physical and even death in some instances. The problems associated with teenage alcoholism are the same as what we see in adults including hangovers, headaches, shakiness, nausea and vomiting. However, teenage alcoholism can also result in lowered academic performance, legal problems and serious and long-term injuries. For these reasons, it is important for parents to devote serious time with their children to teach them about alcoholism, as well as the dangers of drinking and driving. Teaching Teens About Drinking & Driving It is common knowledge that parents cannot completely prevent their children from alcoholism but it is strongly believed that they can instil proper knowledge ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2013

What do you after getting involved in your first car accident? A teens first reaction is to freak out and then call their parents. Before you reach for your phone, slow down, take a deep breath and follow these responsible actions. Turn Off Your Vehicle The first thing you should do is put your vehicle into park and turn it off. If your car is sitting in a dangerous location or obstructing traffic then you should move it to the side of the road if possible. However, you should first know if this is legal to do. In some states it is actually illegal to move the vehicle out of the middle of the road after an accident. Make sure that you turn off the ignition. You do not know for certain what damage has been done to the vehicle and leaving it running could potentially result in a fire or further damage. Relax This is easier said then done. You most likely have a lot of adrenaline flowing through your veins at this moment. However ... read more
Posted on 11/18/2013

You can’t just rely on driver’s ed courses when it comes to teenage driving: parent involvement before and after your teen receives their driver’s license is key. In fact, according to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, teenage drivers whose parents establish driving rules and supportively monitor teenage driving are 50% less likely to get in an accident, 71% less likely to drink and drive, 30% less likely to use their phone while driving, 50% more likely to use their seatbelt, and generally less likely to speed. Give yourself a little peace of mind by following our tips for preventing teenage driving accidents. Tips for Parents: Preventing Teenage Driving AccidentsSupplement Required Teenage Driving Education Depending on where you live, your state will have different requirements for teenage driving education. For example, if you live in St. Louis, MO, your teenage driver will need to complete 40 hours o ... read more
Posted on 11/11/2013

Have you brushed up on your winter driving tips? With November here and December just around the corner, colder weather is sure to move in soon. Especially in St. Louis and other parts of the Midwest, snow and ice storms are a normal part of winter. If you’re new to driving or you have a teenaged driver, now is a good time to familiarize yourself with winter driving tips so that you and your loved ones won’t end up stuck in the cold. Winter Driving Tips for Teens The best way to stay safe in winter weather is to avoid driving altogether. However, this might not be possible for you — so you should still learn these winter driving tips for the times when travel is necessary! Winter Driving Tips: Icy Roads Follow these winter driving tips when you’re on icy roads, and you should avoid accidents: Turn your headlights on to ensure other drivers can see you. When road conditions become icy, slow down ... read more
Posted on 10/25/2013

Teenage drinking is a risk that attracts many adolescents and teens. When young people indulge in teenage drinking, they often don’t realize the damaging effects drinking can cause in their lives, families as well as the community. Preventing teenage drinking and driving Car crashes that are alcohol related are the number one killer of most teens, especially during the months of prom and graduation when teenage drinking is higher. Peer pressure has always been another huge issue to deal with. Here you will find parenting strategies to help lower the risky behaviors of teenagers. Setting clear rules against drinking:Studies show that teens with parents who establish clear behavior expectations, monitors the coming and going of their teens and are not afraid to say no are less likely to engage in risky behaviors such as teenage drinking and driving. Feel free to be strict without feeling guilty and stress on one rule – “Never drink and drive ... read more
Posted on 9/12/2013

Since the introduction of texting, texting and driving has increased dramatically. The increase in its use has been boosted by its benefits and mobility. However, there has been a growing concern over people who combine texting and driving. When driving, you should always be 100 percent concentrated; after all, your life could depend on it. If you are unsure about why it is so important to avoid texting and driving, educate yourself about its potential for negative ramifications. Dangers of Texting and DrivingPremature Deaths Texting and driving can sometimes result in accidents that can lead to the premature death of you or someone else. It only takes one second of distracted driving for a catastrophic, potentially fatal event to occur. “Each day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and more than 1,060 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver,” said the ... read more