Posted on 6/7/2014

Keeping your car in the best health is essential for travel and basic care. There are specific actions that you can take to help mechanics assist you with the upkeep of your vehicle even more. Becoming knowledgeable about your vehicle and requirements can help you to keep your car healthy, running at it’s best and makes check-ups with mechanics easier. Listening to advice of mechanics allows you to keep your vehicle running at it’s best all the time. Mechanic’s Tips For Car Maintenance Most mechanics know that basic maintenance prevents larger problems. If you keep up with your car to make sure everything is okay, it prevents other problems and larger expenses. It also makes the maintenance of the vehicle easier for your mechanic. You will easily be able to identify any issues, upgrade the vehicle and drive away by practicing continuous care and by watching the vehicle’s needs. Mechanics also have more options to work with you when you are aware of their ne ... read more
Posted on 2/12/2014

In our last post, we explored the first two oil change myths that you may have heard: that dark engine oil is dirty and requires immediate changing, and that the W in 10W-30 engine oil stands for weight. Now for the final three misconceptions about engine oil! Engine Oil Change Myths, Part 2 You Need to Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles Somehow, the 3,000 mile myth got started, and it’s still circulating today. According to this oil change myth, after 3,000 miles your St. Louis| Engine Oil Change Myths, Part 2engine would start filling with sludge, decreasing your vehicle’s performance and leaving the engine’s moving parts at a higher risk for damage. Despite the rumor’s persistence, it simply isn’t true any longer. Perhaps this was once the case, but the invention of modern engine oil has rendered the 3,000 rule irrelevant. Engine oil now has better viscosity — this coupled with improvements to automobile engineering overall ensur ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2013
Thinking about buying a new car? There are a lot of things to consider. Hearing a salesperson’s spiel about features and pricing can quickly become overwhelming. Take a moment to consider the pros, cons and tips listed below. Adequate preparation could help save you a lot of time and hassle when decide you’re finally ready to buy. Pros You will probably have far less maintenance and upkeep issues with a new vehicle as opposed to an old one. This will save you money in the long run, and you can be assured you’re receiving your car at its top quality. There are practically an unlimited number of features you can choose. Air conditioned seats? Sure. Top-of-the-line navigation system? No problem. If you can think of it, it’s probably available. That new car smell. Many people revel in the idea that their latest investment not only looks new, but it also smells new. A new car’s warranty is guaranteed to be untouched. Manufacturers ... read more
Posted on 5/27/2013
Buying a car is a big decision for anyone. Previously owned vehicles are an excellent option when you’re searching for a quality car on a budget. If you’re thinking about buying a used car, there are some things to consider. Why buy used? The most obvious reason is the price. Not only will you save money on the overall purchase of the car, but you’ll also save on insurance and registration fees. Cars that are only a year old are, on average, 20-30 percent cheaper than new cars. Factory warranties for used cars are oftentimes still available Used cars have become increasingly reliable over the years. Rust and exhaust-system problems are not longer as common as they used to be. Many companies such as Enterprise and Hertz have rental car sales lots that offer a great selection of vehicles that solely have been used as rentals. These cars are typically in excellent condition and have fewer mi ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2013

Are you counting down to prom yet? We’re betting that you might have the perfect dress already, and maybe you’ve made plans for after prom. Planning for prom is exciting- it’s not only a fun night, but it’s a clue that the end of the school year is near! Prom can be a fun night that you’ll remember for years, but it can also turn into a horrible memory. Every year, newscasters have to share the details of accidents that took place on prom night. Too many young adults lose their life too early because of prom night excitement. This year, make sure prom is a night you’ll want to remember. Prom night can be stressful- planning who you’ll go with, where you’ll have dinner, and what you’ll all do after the dance. Make it fun from start to finish. If you have a plan, there will be less stress. You’ll be able to focus on having a good time. Here are the first 3 tips for making prom night fun. Our next post will cover the rest! 1. Make a Schedule ... read more
Posted on 2/28/2013

With the cold winter months, it’s hard to stay active. We might be looking at another month of winter, so with these snow storms and low temperatures it could be hard or near impossible to head outside. We also can sometimes turn into sloths without our normal Vitamin D doses from the sun. In order to keep the motivation up, we have to start somewhere. Here are some tips to shaking that winter sloth and staying healthy: INDOORS: Participate in winter sports. There are probably a number of activities to participate in during the winter months. Grab some coworkers or classmates and sign up for a rec basketball or volleyball league. Maybe start a pickup game during open gym for some friendly competition. Go for a walk. The mall is a great place for this, especially if you like to shop. If you want to challenge yourself, bring a pedometer to count your steps. Take the stairs. Doing this and even parking farther away will get ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2013

You probably don’t remember car phones. (Lucky you.) We are even past the time of cell phones. This is now the generation of smart phones. In fact, these smartphones are where some people are spending much of their time. We decided to do a little research on what apps young adults are spending their time buried into (besides texting of course). Pandora
Pandora is a radio app that offers you music anytime you like with less ads than the actual radio. Pandora lets you create a playlist through your favorite song or artist. IT will also suggest similar songs based on your playlist. Perfect for a teen on the go or in the car. Shazam
Also for music lovers, the Shazam app helps you keep up with the songs you want to download. If you hear a song play, you hold out your phone and Shazam will provide you with the song information. Instagram
Instragram is a photo sharing app. It lets you edit pictures before posting and see your friends or celebrities ph ... read more
Posted on 2/13/2013

When choosing the college that’s right for you, you’re probably making cost a large factor. The high costs of tuition can be a scary reality and so can ending college in debt. However, there are thousands of scholarships out there offered by schools, communities, companies, nonprofits, and more. But where do you start? Here are some tips to finding the right scholarship to help pay for your education. Step 1: Talk to your counselor.
If you’re a high school student, possibly your best resource will be your counselor. They will have great advice on specific scholarships to fit your needs. If you meet with your counselor, be prepared to share your financial background and discuss your skills and interests. Your own high school may even offer a scholarship. If you have a specific school in mind, they will also have counselors you can speak with. Take a counselor’s advice to heart. In some cases, their primary focus is to aid you in your college search and help make it aff ... read more
Posted on 2/8/2013

Before you brainstorm what your top choices might be, make sure you have an open mind. It’s easy to imagine what schools your friends are going to or to favor the “party schools.” We recommend keeping these things in mind before making a decision: Why are you going?
Before you begin your search, ask yourself the reasons for going to school. What are your goals? What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? You’re not expected to have your major chosen while still in high school, or even your first year, but why are you going? Do you want to remain close to family, or do you want a fresh start in a new city or state? Do you have specific academic goals? These are all important things to think about. Size Matters.
Now it’s time to think about whether you’d prefer a large university or a smaller college. Also- would you like to go for 2 years or 4? It’s always an option to start out at a smaller, local community college and transfer to a 4-year school. Think abo ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2012

Less than a week after the tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, it is still difficult to grasp the thought of dealing with such a difficult situation. We understand that there will always be questions that may never be answered: why it happened, what could have been done to prevent it from happening and how can we change to make sure this never happens again. It is okay to admit that you are having difficulties grasping the concept of why this unthinkable tragedy occurred. The good news is that are plenty of ways you can personally help yourself and other people in your life dealing with grief and sorrow. Here are some resources that can help you cope with this: Your parents – Your parents are your best resource when it comes to dealing with a tragedy. No, they might not have all the answers for how you should cope with this but they will be someone you can go to so that you can express your feelings about this. Your ... read more