Posted on 10/20/2012

Every year, teens across the country celebrate Halloween in one of two ways: innocent and fun or reckless and dangerous. Once they outgrow the desire to dress up like their favorite cartoon characters and go trick-or-treating, they often develop a spirit of adventure—one that can lead them into trouble if they’re not careful. That’s why, when it comes to making sure their teens stay safe on October 31, it’s important for parents to talk to their teens about all the evening will entail. The first and most important thing to do is to get the details. Know where your teen will be and when, who will be with them and how they can be reached. Other details including the presence of alcohol and method of transportation are also key. Parents, it’s your right and responsibility to establish rules for and with your teen in order to ensure their safety, so don’t be afraid to put your foot down if you feel uncomfortable with any situation. Remember, they’ll thank you for it later ... read more
Posted on 9/26/2012

Apparently, we as Americans are starting to get the picture when it comes to parenting. According to a study conducted by two economists from the University of California San Diego, the amount of time parents are spending with their kids today has risen dramatically when compared to earlier generations. The study, which analyzed how Americans used their time during different periods from 1965 to 2007, revealed that, since the mid-1990s, the level of parental involvement with their children had almost doubled for both men and women, working or not. And when it comes to the health and well-being of our kids today, that’s wonderful news! Time and time again research has shown that children whose parents take an active role in their lives experience tremendous emotional, mental and physical benefits. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, teens whose parents were present when they went to bed, woke up and came home from school were less likely to ex ... read more