Posted on 8/15/2013

The weather is cooling off and before you know it, the leaves will be changing color and collecting on the streets. Fall is a time of change, so it is important that your teen is aware of the car safety adjustments they will need to make to stay safe throughout the transition into fall. At Meyer’s Automotive, we care about your teen’s safety. This fall make sure your teen consults our list of fall car safety tips. Leaves There are few things as lovely as the change of trees’ leaves in fall. As a driver, it is important that your teen is aware of the impact leaves can have on driving conditions. If it is rainy and cool outside, leaves can become dangerous road hazards. Wet leaves can make for slippery driving conditions. So, when driving in these conditions, encourage your teen to take extra car safety measures like allowing for additional braking time. Doing so will help your teen come to safer stops and could even help prevent accidents ... read more
Posted on 4/3/2013

As we approach the end of cold weather, it’s important to do some routine after-winter maintenance on your vehicle. Taking the time to ensure your car is working properly is not hard. Proper upkeep of your vehicle can keep you safe. Safety is important all year round, but we want to help by providing you with a checklist for your car’s care: Check your antifreeze. Spring time is usually when you need to do a radiator flush. There will likely still be frosty mornings, car maintenanceso be sure your antifreeze mixture is good to go. Inspect Your Tires. Your tires were working really hard in the winter weather and need some tending to. Rotating these seasonally will extend the life of them. Also, air pressure goes down from the cold, so check your tire pressure and add air if necessary. Wiper Blades. These take quite the beating from the snow. Now is a great time to rep ... read more