Posted on 5/20/2013

You’ve hopped out of the pool, dried off and enjoyed a perfectly chilled drink. It’s been a delightful summer day. Now, to drive home. You head to the car and are welcomed by a blazing door handle and a seat that scorches your bare legs. We’ve all been there. The heat is not only uncomfortable, but it is also damaging to your car. On a 90 degree day, the temperature in a car parked outside can reach up to 140 degrees. The windows turn the car into a sort of greenhouse, trapping heat. Temperatures that high are not good for many things, so I know that your car’s interior will not benefit from soaring heat this summer. Preventing prolonged heat exposure will help you keep your car in good condition. You can make some simple changes to keep your car cool and keep you and your family comfortable all summer. Make some shade
The accordion folded, aluminum foil-like sun shades may not be the most convenient devices ever, but they do a great job. Use ... read more