Posted on 2/3/2014

During the wintertime, it is especially important that your teen driver employs safe-driving practices that keep both them and other drivers safe on the road safe. Even the most seasoned drivers can experience challenges when it is cold outside and there is snow on the ground. The solution? Arming your teen with the most comprehensive understanding of what it means to be a safe driver during the wintertime is the best defense. “Black ice” is deceptively dangerous, making it crucial for your teen to understand what it is and how it can be safely approached. What is “Black Ice?” In its simplest definition black ice is ice that is black in color. What makes this dangerous? Like other ice, black ice is slippery and can be dangerous if it is not approached with caution. It is extremely perilous because it is black in color, which gives the illusion of blending in with the rest of the street. Knowing how black ice forms can help your teen drive more carefully, th ... read more
Posted on 11/18/2013

You can’t just rely on driver’s ed courses when it comes to teenage driving: parent involvement before and after your teen receives their driver’s license is key. In fact, according to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, teenage drivers whose parents establish driving rules and supportively monitor teenage driving are 50% less likely to get in an accident, 71% less likely to drink and drive, 30% less likely to use their phone while driving, 50% more likely to use their seatbelt, and generally less likely to speed. Give yourself a little peace of mind by following our tips for preventing teenage driving accidents. Tips for Parents: Preventing Teenage Driving AccidentsSupplement Required Teenage Driving Education Depending on where you live, your state will have different requirements for teenage driving education. For example, if you live in St. Louis, MO, your teenage driver will need to complete 40 hours o ... read more
Posted on 8/15/2013

The weather is cooling off and before you know it, the leaves will be changing color and collecting on the streets. Fall is a time of change, so it is important that your teen is aware of the car safety adjustments they will need to make to stay safe throughout the transition into fall. At Meyer’s Automotive, we care about your teen’s safety. This fall make sure your teen consults our list of fall car safety tips. Leaves There are few things as lovely as the change of trees’ leaves in fall. As a driver, it is important that your teen is aware of the impact leaves can have on driving conditions. If it is rainy and cool outside, leaves can become dangerous road hazards. Wet leaves can make for slippery driving conditions. So, when driving in these conditions, encourage your teen to take extra car safety measures like allowing for additional braking time. Doing so will help your teen come to safer stops and could even help prevent accidents ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2013

In honor of National Bike Month, people across the country are riding bikes to work and school and celebrating the benefits of bike riding in our communities. It is also a great time to address the safety issues that arise with bike riding. Do you know the rules of the road? Since the weather is getting nicer and more cyclists are on the road, now is the time to review the rules. Here are some basic guidelines for sharing the road with cyclists. Keep everyone safe by being aware of these tips. Be aware:
Be on the lookout for cyclists. When passing through intersections and when in traffic, scan for any cyclists. Give them room when you spot obstacles such as potholes or debris. Also, never honk your horn when you are close to a cyclist. This may alarm him or her and cause an accident. Pass carefully:
to leave room between your car and the bike. Check over your shoulder before returning to the lane and always be patient ... read more
Posted on 5/6/2013

Distracted driving is an issue of national concern. New guidelines released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) last week recommend changes for auto manufacturers. This national safety administration is tightening up their suggestions, reminding automakers and drivers of the importance of focused driving. The NHTSA completed a study to analyze the visual and manual distractions involved when driving. The study found that when drivers engage in visual-manual tasks connected to handheld cell phones and portable devices, the risk of being involved in a crash is tripled. Some of the most distracting tasks that drivers try to complete while on the road include: making a phone call, browsing the Internet and text messaging. Just one text message can keep a driver distracted for 23.3 seconds. These statistics are alarming. Since distracted driving is so dangerous, the NHTSA made sev ... read more
Posted on 10/3/2012

Here in the St. Louis area, fall is in full swing. The leaves are changing colors, the Rams are back in action, and temperatures are falling once more. It’s a beautiful time of year for family gatherings, outdoor events and cozy nights, especially with the sun setting earlier by the day. With the decrease in daylight, though, also comes the need for some motorists to spend more time driving in the dark. And for many folks—young and old—this leads to added anxiety behind the wheel, as well as an overall increased probability for accidents. Statistics show that even with 60 percent less traffic on the road, roughly half of all fatal car accidents happen at night. Some of the reasons for these accidents include the decreased visibility and perception of motorists, higher numbers of drunk and drowsy drivers on the road, and a greater number of speed-limit breakers. And, for one reason or another, drivers are also less likely to wear their safety belts at night, w ... read more
Posted on 9/19/2012

ICE can do a lot more than make your drinks cold. When it comes to driver’s safety, ICE can actually save lives. No, we’re not talking about applying it to injured areas. We’re talking about the three-letter acronym for In Case of Emergency, and it’s a simple abbreviation that can be life-saving in distressing situations—especially for teenage drivers. For the past few weeks, we at Meyer’s and Waterloo Automotive have been talking about teen drivers and their safety behind the wheel. As auto service providers, we don’t like reading the statistics that show just how many of our young men and women are losing their lives on the roads every year. As the leading cause of death among teenagers in America, auto accidents are a very real threat to their safety and their lives. That’s why this week we’re talking about the ICE method. Now, if you’re a parent, you may have already heard about this practice. If that’s the case, we’re happy that you’re using it! It’s a helpfu ... read more