Posted on 6/14/2014

Pets are great travelling companions in the St. Louis summer months. However, they also have specific needs, especially when they are driving with you in your car. If you have a dog, cat or other animal that you are close to, then you will also want to consider their needs while traveling with them. There are specific car maintenance tips you can follow to make sure your vehicle stays in top condition, even with your pet in the passenger’s seat. St. Louis Car Maintenance Tips The main concern with traveling with pets is the distraction. Accidents and problems with driving often occur because a pet may get restless or move into the driver’s seat. An easy car maintenance solution is finding a way to give your pet it’s own space. Using pet seat belts or restraining tools allows you to stay in your space without the animal distracting you. It also makes them feel more comfortable to have a space specifical ... read more
Posted on 5/23/2014

Car maintenance tasks are important throughout the year, and summer is no exception. After all, it’s the season for road trips. Even if you’re not taking a summer vacation in your vehicle, car maintenance still matters. That’s because summer heat can do a number on your car. Summer Car Maintenance in Waterloo and St. Louis Start with car maintenance before summer hits. You want to be certain that your air conditioning system won’t fail when you need it most, so part of your car maintenance routine should be checking the level of refrigerant. The AC system in most modern cars is pretty complex, so it’s probably best to have a professional check it out and give it a tune up. Another car maintenance tip for summer is to check on the health of your battery. The hot days can cause an accelerated chemical reaction in your car’s battery, and this can shorten the length of its life. Keep things running smoothly by ... read more
Posted on 4/9/2014

Next time you’re doing your car maintenance, consider how much easier it would have been if you kept a trash bag in the car, instead of letting the debris accumulate on the floor. It’s easy to make a trash receptacle to leave in your car that your family will use every day. Here are some handy trash cans to help you with your car maintenance: Find a cardboard box that fits in the space between the seats of the back seat. Cut off the flaps on the top half of the box to make it easy for car maintenance. Cover it with wrapping paper. Use a trash liner inside to prevent wet items from ruining the box. Use a plastic cereal container (with a flip top). The closed top will help keep up your car maintenance. An oatmeal container is the right size and shape to hold small items. Plus, you can use plastic grocery bags as ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2014

When it comes to the vehicle you drive, does it have something to say about your lifestyle? The experts seem to think so. In fact, they type of car you drive can give others clues about the type of life you live. Smart Car For example, smart car owners tend to care about the environment. They’re more apt to recycle and exercise energy saving practices at home and in the office. They like a compact car that can be charged and used without depleting the Earth of its natural resources. Smart car owners are often associated with hipsters because the idea of rechargeable car is novel. Sports Car A sports car is sleek and sophisticated. It grabs people’s attention and gets them wondering who the occupant of the car is. If you roll up to a social event in a sports car, you’re sure to turn some heads. In fact, celebrities and very wealthy business men are typically the first in line to buy sports cars. Pick-up Truck A pick ... read more
Posted on 3/7/2014

When it comes to transportation, 2014 cars are sleeker, more stylish, and even more visually appealing than models of the past. The emergence of old technology combined with new technology has merged together to create sought-after vehicles that everyone can appreciate. Big changes to the Jeep and Malibu and additions to Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ford, and other car makers really make the 2014 cars stand out from previous years. Things to Look For When it comes to 2014 cars, there are many things that car buyers will be faced with. Some things to consider are: Cars That Drive Themselves Yes, this is what people might be thinking but not to the extreme. 2014 cars came out and have sensors that will make it easier to park and avoid accidents. In fact, there are cars right now that will do some driving on their own but not too many. Cars That are Lower Cost Generally the cheaper the car, the more likely it is made by a ca ... read more