Posted on 4/22/2013

Are you ready for prom? Last time we started a list about making prom night fun and memorable. It’s so easy to get stressed out when you’re trying to coordinate a group. Where should you take pictures, where will you get dinner, who is driving, and what will you wear?! This year, don’t get freaked out. We’ve already talked about making a schedule for the day and picking a driver for the night. Check out the rest of our tips for a fun prom night! Check out the first three prom night tips.4. Buckle up
We know you don’t want to wrinkle that handsome tux or beautiful dress, but they will hold up fine! Keep your seat belt on no matter who is driving- it’s worth it. 5. Get Your Car Ready
If you do drive, make sure your car is ready. Give it a thorough check. How are the tires, windshield wiper fluid and oil? Have a mechanic give a chec ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2013

Are you counting down to prom yet? We’re betting that you might have the perfect dress already, and maybe you’ve made plans for after prom. Planning for prom is exciting- it’s not only a fun night, but it’s a clue that the end of the school year is near! Prom can be a fun night that you’ll remember for years, but it can also turn into a horrible memory. Every year, newscasters have to share the details of accidents that took place on prom night. Too many young adults lose their life too early because of prom night excitement. This year, make sure prom is a night you’ll want to remember. Prom night can be stressful- planning who you’ll go with, where you’ll have dinner, and what you’ll all do after the dance. Make it fun from start to finish. If you have a plan, there will be less stress. You’ll be able to focus on having a good time. Here are the first 3 tips for making prom night fun. Our next post will cover the rest! 1. Make a Schedule ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2013

You probably don’t remember car phones. (Lucky you.) We are even past the time of cell phones. This is now the generation of smart phones. In fact, these smartphones are where some people are spending much of their time. We decided to do a little research on what apps young adults are spending their time buried into (besides texting of course). Pandora
Pandora is a radio app that offers you music anytime you like with less ads than the actual radio. Pandora lets you create a playlist through your favorite song or artist. IT will also suggest similar songs based on your playlist. Perfect for a teen on the go or in the car. Shazam
Also for music lovers, the Shazam app helps you keep up with the songs you want to download. If you hear a song play, you hold out your phone and Shazam will provide you with the song information. Instagram
Instragram is a photo sharing app. It lets you edit pictures before posting and see your friends or celebrities ph ... read more
Posted on 2/8/2013

Before you brainstorm what your top choices might be, make sure you have an open mind. It’s easy to imagine what schools your friends are going to or to favor the “party schools.” We recommend keeping these things in mind before making a decision: Why are you going?
Before you begin your search, ask yourself the reasons for going to school. What are your goals? What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? You’re not expected to have your major chosen while still in high school, or even your first year, but why are you going? Do you want to remain close to family, or do you want a fresh start in a new city or state? Do you have specific academic goals? These are all important things to think about. Size Matters.
Now it’s time to think about whether you’d prefer a large university or a smaller college. Also- would you like to go for 2 years or 4? It’s always an option to start out at a smaller, local community college and transfer to a 4-year school. Think abo ... read more