Posted on 11/27/2013

Teenage alcoholism is a worldwide problem with over 60% of young people being reported as alcoholics. This is especially rampant among young people between the ages of 14 and 25. Just like any other drug, alcohol can cause serious problems ranging from social, physical and even death in some instances. The problems associated with teenage alcoholism are the same as what we see in adults including hangovers, headaches, shakiness, nausea and vomiting. However, teenage alcoholism can also result in lowered academic performance, legal problems and serious and long-term injuries. For these reasons, it is important for parents to devote serious time with their children to teach them about alcoholism, as well as the dangers of drinking and driving. Teaching Teens About Drinking & Driving It is common knowledge that parents cannot completely prevent their children from alcoholism but it is strongly believed that they can instil proper knowledge ... read more
Posted on 10/25/2013

Teenage drinking is a risk that attracts many adolescents and teens. When young people indulge in teenage drinking, they often don’t realize the damaging effects drinking can cause in their lives, families as well as the community. Preventing teenage drinking and driving Car crashes that are alcohol related are the number one killer of most teens, especially during the months of prom and graduation when teenage drinking is higher. Peer pressure has always been another huge issue to deal with. Here you will find parenting strategies to help lower the risky behaviors of teenagers. Setting clear rules against drinking:Studies show that teens with parents who establish clear behavior expectations, monitors the coming and going of their teens and are not afraid to say no are less likely to engage in risky behaviors such as teenage drinking and driving. Feel free to be strict without feeling guilty and stress on one rule – “Never drink and drive ... read more
Posted on 11/30/2012

The next month will present some difficult situations for teens as you will eventually end up a party. Whether it is for Christmas, New Year’s Eve or just a regular party, you will inevitably be in a situation where you are offered a drink (or two). As a teenager, you are given more freedom and with that freedom comes responsibility. You have a responsibility to yourself, your friends, your family and to anyone on the road. Responsibility to yourself – Whenever you take a sip of alcohol, you need to understand that you are now putting yourself at risk of being arrested. In Missouri, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to possess or consume alcohol. If you get behind the wheel of a car after even having any sort of alcohol in your system, you can be arrested for drinking and driving. Not to be taken less seriously, but a minor in possession is a misdemeanor in Missouri. Take responsibility for yourself by not putting yourself in a situation where you embarrass y ... read more