Posted on 12/18/2013

When it comes to teenagers, it may seem like they’re nocturnal—always wanting to stay up later and sleep well into the morning (or afternoon). It’s just part of being a kid, and we’ve all been there at some point. But when it comes to teens, a late bedtime can become a problem when school is in session. Whether they go to bed at 10:00 p.m. or 1:00 a.m., the alarm will still go off at 6:00, and it will be up to them to suffer the consequences. Falling Asleep While Driving Unfortunately, part of those consequences can and do involve auto accidents. Already the No. 1 cause of death among teenagers in America, drowsiness only adds fuel to an already burning fire as teenagers stumble out of bed, get behind the wheel and take a dangerous drive with half-open eyes. According to research from Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), teens who average less than eight hours of sleep a night are twice as lik ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2013

We all like to pretend that a winter driving accident will never happen to us but the truth is these accidents happen every winter to countless people. Rather than doing nothing and hoping for the best, be prepared for the chance that something could happen out on the road. Below you will find a checklist of things you need to prepare for before the bad weather hits. Winter Car Care Checklist Battery & Charging System – Make sure to get your car battery and portable charging system tested by a qualified technician. Have the battery terminals and cables checked to ensure that they are free from any corrosion and that the connection is tight. You want to make sure that your battery is fully charged and ready for the winter months. Car Belts & Hoses – Inspect the drive belts for any signs of cracking or fraying. You also want to have the cooling system inspected to make sure that you don’t have any cracked hoses or loose clamps. Wi ... read more
Posted on 12/5/2013

For parents, thinking about their teen driving during bad weather conditions can be a scary thought. There’s good reason for this and It is something best avoided. However, should you happen to find yourself driving through a storm or heavy snowfall, these teen driving tips will help you out. Bad Weather Driving Tips for TeensDriving in Heavy Rain Here is a good rule to follow. If you need your windshield wipers on in order to see then that means you also need to turn your headlights on. This goes for driving in rain, fog, sleet, or snow. Not only will it help your visibility but it will also help other drivers see you. It’s a good idea to increase the amount of space between you and other drivers when driving on slick roads. You should double or even triple the normal amount of space between you and the car in front of you. If the weather is making it too difficult to see then you should find a place to pu ... read more
Posted on 11/27/2013

Teenage alcoholism is a worldwide problem with over 60% of young people being reported as alcoholics. This is especially rampant among young people between the ages of 14 and 25. Just like any other drug, alcohol can cause serious problems ranging from social, physical and even death in some instances. The problems associated with teenage alcoholism are the same as what we see in adults including hangovers, headaches, shakiness, nausea and vomiting. However, teenage alcoholism can also result in lowered academic performance, legal problems and serious and long-term injuries. For these reasons, it is important for parents to devote serious time with their children to teach them about alcoholism, as well as the dangers of drinking and driving. Teaching Teens About Drinking & Driving It is common knowledge that parents cannot completely prevent their children from alcoholism but it is strongly believed that they can instil proper knowledge ... read more
Posted on 11/18/2013

You can’t just rely on driver’s ed courses when it comes to teenage driving: parent involvement before and after your teen receives their driver’s license is key. In fact, according to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, teenage drivers whose parents establish driving rules and supportively monitor teenage driving are 50% less likely to get in an accident, 71% less likely to drink and drive, 30% less likely to use their phone while driving, 50% more likely to use their seatbelt, and generally less likely to speed. Give yourself a little peace of mind by following our tips for preventing teenage driving accidents. Tips for Parents: Preventing Teenage Driving AccidentsSupplement Required Teenage Driving Education Depending on where you live, your state will have different requirements for teenage driving education. For example, if you live in St. Louis, MO, your teenage driver will need to complete 40 hours o ... read more
Posted on 7/25/2013
Getting a driver’s license is a sign of growing up, when teens experience new freedoms. Many parents would like to be everywhere their teenager is, but unfortunately that’s just not possible. It is possible, however, to monitor what your teen is doing behind the wheel. While some young drivers may feel violated or untrustworthy because of parental tracking, many parents are seeing it as a good and necessary precaution to keep their kids safe behind the wheel. Apps & Technology Find My iPhone
Find My iPhone allows users to track where their iPhone is if it’s lost or stolen. Some parents, however, use it to see exactly where their teen is at all times. With the click of a mouse, you can view the location of the iPhone or other Apple device from a computer or smartphone. MyKey
MyKey, a safety system offered by Ford, gives parents the opportunity to control various features in their teen’s car. One main feature is a maximum speed setting, w ... read more
Posted on 5/6/2013

Distracted driving is an issue of national concern. New guidelines released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) last week recommend changes for auto manufacturers. This national safety administration is tightening up their suggestions, reminding automakers and drivers of the importance of focused driving. The NHTSA completed a study to analyze the visual and manual distractions involved when driving. The study found that when drivers engage in visual-manual tasks connected to handheld cell phones and portable devices, the risk of being involved in a crash is tripled. Some of the most distracting tasks that drivers try to complete while on the road include: making a phone call, browsing the Internet and text messaging. Just one text message can keep a driver distracted for 23.3 seconds. These statistics are alarming. Since distracted driving is so dangerous, the NHTSA made sev ... read more
Posted on 4/22/2013

Are you ready for prom? Last time we started a list about making prom night fun and memorable. It’s so easy to get stressed out when you’re trying to coordinate a group. Where should you take pictures, where will you get dinner, who is driving, and what will you wear?! This year, don’t get freaked out. We’ve already talked about making a schedule for the day and picking a driver for the night. Check out the rest of our tips for a fun prom night! Check out the first three prom night tips.4. Buckle up
We know you don’t want to wrinkle that handsome tux or beautiful dress, but they will hold up fine! Keep your seat belt on no matter who is driving- it’s worth it. 5. Get Your Car Ready
If you do drive, make sure your car is ready. Give it a thorough check. How are the tires, windshield wiper fluid and oil? Have a mechanic give a chec ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2013

Are you counting down to prom yet? We’re betting that you might have the perfect dress already, and maybe you’ve made plans for after prom. Planning for prom is exciting- it’s not only a fun night, but it’s a clue that the end of the school year is near! Prom can be a fun night that you’ll remember for years, but it can also turn into a horrible memory. Every year, newscasters have to share the details of accidents that took place on prom night. Too many young adults lose their life too early because of prom night excitement. This year, make sure prom is a night you’ll want to remember. Prom night can be stressful- planning who you’ll go with, where you’ll have dinner, and what you’ll all do after the dance. Make it fun from start to finish. If you have a plan, there will be less stress. You’ll be able to focus on having a good time. Here are the first 3 tips for making prom night fun. Our next post will cover the rest! 1. Make a Schedule ... read more
Posted on 10/18/2012

Fresh information hit the news last month when Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) revealed the results of a survey regarding the amount of influence a parent’s driving habits has on the ones of their teenage drivers. According to the survey, which polled 1,700 teens from across the nation, adults are engaging in poor and risky driving habits while their teens are in the car and, in the process, doing more than just putting their families at risk. By engaging in behaviors such as texting, speeding and driving while intoxicated, parents are setting poor examples for their teenage drivers and causing them to follow suit by repeating the actions in nearly equal amounts. Not surprisingly, the most common destructive driving behavior modeled by parents was talking on a cell phone while driving. The second-most repeated offense was speeding, followed by texting, driving without a seatbelt, driving while intoxicated and, finally, drivin ... read more