Posted on 12/18/2013

When it comes to teenagers, it may seem like they’re nocturnal—always wanting to stay up later and sleep well into the morning (or afternoon). It’s just part of being a kid, and we’ve all been there at some point. But when it comes to teens, a late bedtime can become a problem when school is in session. Whether they go to bed at 10:00 p.m. or 1:00 a.m., the alarm will still go off at 6:00, and it will be up to them to suffer the consequences. Falling Asleep While Driving Unfortunately, part of those consequences can and do involve auto accidents. Already the No. 1 cause of death among teenagers in America, drowsiness only adds fuel to an already burning fire as teenagers stumble out of bed, get behind the wheel and take a dangerous drive with half-open eyes. According to research from Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), teens who average less than eight hours of sleep a night are twice as lik ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2013

In most cases, a new teen driver is extremely excited about their new found freedom of the open road. This excitement mixed with a lack of real world driving experience can be quite dangerous. While the average teenager is going to feel that they know everything about being a good driver, the simple fact is teens account for more driving related accidents than any other age group. This doesn’t mean you should be banned from driving. It just means you need to really focus on learning how to be a safe and responsible driver while you are gaining the experience of being behind the wheel of a car. The following are some of the best teen driving safety tips to help along your journey. Safety tips for teen driversTurning Off the Cell Phone Research studies have concluded that using a cell phone is equal to the effects of driving under the influence. This also includes the use of hands-free mobile phones. Cell phones have become a ... read more