Posted on 9/12/2013

Since the introduction of texting, texting and driving has increased dramatically. The increase in its use has been boosted by its benefits and mobility. However, there has been a growing concern over people who combine texting and driving. When driving, you should always be 100 percent concentrated; after all, your life could depend on it. If you are unsure about why it is so important to avoid texting and driving, educate yourself about its potential for negative ramifications. Dangers of Texting and DrivingPremature Deaths Texting and driving can sometimes result in accidents that can lead to the premature death of you or someone else. It only takes one second of distracted driving for a catastrophic, potentially fatal event to occur. “Each day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and more than 1,060 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver,” said the ... read more
Posted on 7/25/2013
Getting a driver’s license is a sign of growing up, when teens experience new freedoms. Many parents would like to be everywhere their teenager is, but unfortunately that’s just not possible. It is possible, however, to monitor what your teen is doing behind the wheel. While some young drivers may feel violated or untrustworthy because of parental tracking, many parents are seeing it as a good and necessary precaution to keep their kids safe behind the wheel. Apps & Technology Find My iPhone
Find My iPhone allows users to track where their iPhone is if it’s lost or stolen. Some parents, however, use it to see exactly where their teen is at all times. With the click of a mouse, you can view the location of the iPhone or other Apple device from a computer or smartphone. MyKey
MyKey, a safety system offered by Ford, gives parents the opportunity to control various features in their teen’s car. One main feature is a maximum speed setting, w ... read more
Posted on 6/7/2013
Not only is texting while driving unsafe, but it’s also illegal in Missouri. For drivers aged 21 or younger, it is illegal to use your cell phone to text while driving in our state. Laws do vary, so be aware when you are crossing state lines. MissouriLaw Section 304.820 of Traffic Regulations states that “no person twenty-one years of age or younger operating a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state shall, by means of a hand-held electronic wireless communications device, send read or write a text message or electronic message.” This means that you may neither send texts/instant messages nor surf the web checking websites like Facebook or Twitter. Penalties The Missouri law took effect on August 28, 2010, and permits law enforcement officers to fine novice drivers who are seen texting while driving. A novice driver is considered someone aged 21 or younger. An infraction is deemed a moving violation und ... read more
Posted on 10/18/2012

Fresh information hit the news last month when Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) revealed the results of a survey regarding the amount of influence a parent’s driving habits has on the ones of their teenage drivers. According to the survey, which polled 1,700 teens from across the nation, adults are engaging in poor and risky driving habits while their teens are in the car and, in the process, doing more than just putting their families at risk. By engaging in behaviors such as texting, speeding and driving while intoxicated, parents are setting poor examples for their teenage drivers and causing them to follow suit by repeating the actions in nearly equal amounts. Not surprisingly, the most common destructive driving behavior modeled by parents was talking on a cell phone while driving. The second-most repeated offense was speeding, followed by texting, driving without a seatbelt, driving while intoxicated and, finally, drivin ... read more