Posted on 2/28/2013

With the cold winter months, it’s hard to stay active. We might be looking at another month of winter, so with these snow storms and low temperatures it could be hard or near impossible to head outside. We also can sometimes turn into sloths without our normal Vitamin D doses from the sun. In order to keep the motivation up, we have to start somewhere. Here are some tips to shaking that winter sloth and staying healthy: INDOORS: Participate in winter sports. There are probably a number of activities to participate in during the winter months. Grab some coworkers or classmates and sign up for a rec basketball or volleyball league. Maybe start a pickup game during open gym for some friendly competition. Go for a walk. The mall is a great place for this, especially if you like to shop. If you want to challenge yourself, bring a pedometer to count your steps. Take the stairs. Doing this and even parking farther away will get ... read more